to help
how can you help
The work of SOS Animal volunteers is very rewarding for us!
The work of SOS Animal volunteers is very rewarding for us!
From walking our animals, taking care of their beds at the Clinic, helping us at events where we often need large teams, promoting our work on social media and through friends or making your know-how available in a specific area that one day may be necessary. We all have in common a passion for animal causes and the certainty that we can help by donating our time and knowledge. We all have something we can offer to this cause.
There are 3 steps to becoming
SOS Animal volunteer:
Become a member of SOS Animal*
Por apenas 31 EUR por ano, ajuda os nossos animais e pode usufruir de várias vantagens na nossa Clínica e junto dos nossos parceiros.
Send the registration form to stating that you want to become a volunteer.
We are waiting for you at the Clinic
SOS Animal Solidarity Veterinary.
*Under 18 years of age: They must always be accompanied by their guardian.